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I am thrilled to share with you my latest project, centered around the fascinating field of economic geology. Economic geology plays a pivotal role in identifying and assessing valuable mineral deposits, energy resources, and other geological commodities critical to our modern society. Through these projects below, I aim to delve into the complexities of this field, unraveling the geological processes that give rise to economically significant deposits and the socioeconomic implications they carry. These projects serves as a platform for exploring the intricate relationship between geology and economics, and how it influences our understanding of Earth's resources.

Research: Research
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Developing geochemical vectors to aid the discovery of metamorphosed VMS deposits

Since the discovery of modern seafloor hydrothermal systems in the late 1970s, volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits have become one of the best understood mineral systems. However, when preserved in high-grade metamorphic terranes, these alteration assemblages are overprinted and obscured, with footwall sequences dominated by mineralogically complex banded schist and gneiss. Furthermore, traditional targeting along VMS prospective stratigraphic horizons becomes inherently more complex due to varying metamorphic grades in potential host rocks and the consequences of regional deformation. If robust tools for exploration could be developed, there is significant room for new discoveries globally in these terranes.

Current projects:

  • Geochemical and hyperspectral vectors to aid the discovery of the King VMS deposits in Yilgarn Craton, WA (Lead investigator: Cendi Dana)

  • Geochronology of metamorphosed VMS deposits in the Yilgarn Craton, WA (Lead investigator: Cendi Dana)

  • Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Gairloch metamorphosed VMS deposit, NW Scotland (Lead investigator: Cendi Dana)

Academic partner:

Chiba Institute of Technology, ETH Zurich, University of Adelaide, Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center (SUERC)

Industry partner:

Black Raven Mining, Pty., Ltd., Galantas Gold Corp.

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Geochronology of the Central Borneo metallogenic belt, Indonesia

The island of Borneo has a significant proven metal endowment as well as largely underexplored regions covered by extensive tropical rainforests and swamps. Borneo hosts a number of important ore deposits along the Central Borneo metallogenic belt, including the giant Kelian epithermal Au deposit and the significant ore fields of Bau (epithermal/sediment-hosted Au), Buduk (Cu-Au skarn), Ruwai (Fe-Zn-Pb-Ag±Cu skarn), Mt. Muro (epithermal Au-Ag), Seruyung (epithermal Au), and Mamut (porphyry Cu-Au). Despite its large resources and long history of exploration, studies of the geochronology and geochemical characteristics of this deposit are lacking.

Completed projects:

  • Geochemistry and geochronology of the Ruwai polymetallic skarn deposit (Lead investigator: Cendi Dana)

  • Sulfide chemistry and Bi-Ag mineralogy of the Ruwai polymetallic skarn deposit (Lead investigators: Cendi Dans)

  • Geology and mineralogy of the Monterado epithermal gold deposit (Lead investigator: Ilham Ilmawan)

Current projects:

  • Geochronology of the Beruang Kanan polymetallic deposit (Lead investigator: Dr. Chun-Kit Lai)

  • Geochronology of the Monterado epithermal gold deposit (Lead investigator: Dr. Arifudin Idrus)

  • Zircon geochemistry of the Seruyung high sulfidation epithermal gold deposit (Lead investigator: Dr. Chun-Kit Lai)

Academic partner:

Akita University, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universiti Brunei Darussalam

ETH Zurich, Chiba Institute of Technology, The University of Tokyo,

CSIRO, University of Western Australia, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Industry partner:

PT Kapuas Prima Coal, Tbk., PT Cempaka Wulung, Asiamet Resources, JResources Asia Pacific.



Epithermal and porphyry mineralization in Sunda arc, Indonesia

The Java metallogenic belt in Indonesia is one of the most prospective gold-silver belts in SE Asia. This research project aims to delve into the geological history and mineral endowment of Java Island, uncovering the hidden treasures that lie beneath its surface. Java Island, with its complex geological evolution and tectonic activity, hosts a wide range of mineral deposits. The island's geology is marked by volcanic formations, sedimentary basins, and metamorphic rocks, creating favorable conditions for the formation of diverse mineral assemblages. The past and ongoing tectonic processes have influenced the distribution and types of mineralization across the island. This research will employ various methods, including field surveys, geological mapping and laboratory studies, to compile a detailed inventory of mineral deposits across Java Island. We will investigate key mineral resources, and assess their potential for sustainable extraction and utilization.


Completed projects:

  • Geology and vein characteristics of the Cibeber epithermal gold deposits, Western Java (Lead investigator: Cendi Dana) 

  • Nature of magma and ore-forming physicochemical conditions at the Randu Kuning porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Selogiri (Lead investigator: Dr. Arifudin Idrus)

Current projects:​

  • Characteristics of the Cihaur Pb-Zn skarn deposit (Lead investigator: Dr. Arifudin Idrus)

  • Geochemistry and geochronology of the Humpa Leu porphyry deposit (Lead investigator: Dr. Fadlin)

  • Geology and mineralization characteristics in Ciemas (Lead investigator: Dian Fatimah)

Academic partner:

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, RWTH Aachen University, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Jendral Soedirman University, Pertamina University

Industry partner:

PT Multi Utama Kreasindo Mining, PT Generasi Muda Bersatu (a subsidiary of PT Kapuas Prima Coal, Tbk.), PT Alexis Perdana Mineral (a subsidiary of Far East Gold), PT Sumbawa Timur Mining (a subsidiary of Vale Indonesia).


Characteristics of REE deposits (ion-adsorption type) in Indonesia

This research focuses on the rare earth element (REE) deposits (ion-adsorption type) in Indonesia, exploring the geological characteristics, distribution patterns, and economic significance of these valuable resources. Rare earth elements play a crucial role in modern technologies, including electronics, renewable energy, and defense applications. Indonesia, with its diverse geological formations and mineral-rich landscape, holds significant potential for REE deposits. By examining the geological processes that have contributed to the formation of these deposits and assessing their economic viability, this research aims to provide insights into the REE potential of Indonesia and its implications for the country's industrial development and global supply chains.


Current projects:

  • Mineralogical characteristics and extractive metallurgy of the ion-adsorption type REE deposits in Indonesia (Lead investigator: Samantha Russo)

Academic partner:

CSIRO, James Cook University, University of Western Australia, National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia

Indsutry partner:

Fortescue Metals Group Ltd.

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